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The MMV’s enrichment program includes school extra-curricular activities (ECA). It is our objective to encourage balanced, holistic development in addition to a sense of healthy competition and team spirit. Students' life skills are also improved through helping them to develop balanced personalities together with physical fitness. These activities encourage students to explore and develop their personalities, creativity and skills.

We Provide Balancing activities like Archery, Yoga, Karate, Gymnastics, Chess, Keyboard, and Silambam as Extra Curricular Activities.

School Pledge

We the children of MMV CBSE School, pledge to be disciplined in behaviour and refined in our thoughts, speech and action. We pledge to learn the holistic education imparted and develop qualities, which will make us good citizens. We pledge to be always truthful, presentable, respect the liberty and rights of others. We pledge to value our time and use our energy, for something positive and useful. We pledge to respect and conserve the diverse bounties of nature and make the world a better place to live in.

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